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Bench Press – This exercise is considered the best Upper Body Strength movement with significant stress and load put onto the Chest, Triceps and Shoulders, secondary muscles used are the upper back-lats, legs for power through the floor as well as stability and elbows-wrists.
Bench Press
Bird Dog Quadruped Rows – This advanced exercise places a significant amount of stress on your core stability, balance and co-ordination separate to the primary areas of focus being the lats and arms (Biceps-forearms).
Bird Dog Quadruped Row
Pad Cable Chest Flyes – This exercise is more of a stretching movement as opposed to contraction only. It’s primary focus is to isolate the Chest and Shoulders, with secondary focus on the forearms, biceps, lower back. Core and legs for stability.
Cable Chest Fly

The categories and exercises listed below, cover my *7 Fundamentals of Resistance* and are a great tool to get you started on your fitness journey, whether you are a novice or a more experienced individual, you will find plenty to learn, enjoy and build from with these exercises.

For personalised workouts and support, created with 18+ years of experience as a professional PT, join the Elite and upgrade to our *Omega Coaching Plan* and take your fitness to the next level with 4 unique workouts that will be drilled in 6 week blocks, as well as dietary/lifestyle guidance and weekly check-ins.

This exercise is a great way to isolate the Glutes and Hamstrings with minimal stress on the Knee or Ankle joint. Secondary focus is on the Thighs, Core and Shoulders due to the pad weight resting on them.
Backward Lunge on the Pendulum Squat
Some of my favourite Upper Body Band movements to get you started, these exercised will target the Chest, Arms, Shoulders and Back with secondary muscles used Legs, core and lower back for stability.
Band Exercises
This is both a rehab movement as well as a warm up for heavy lower body training. It is a very effective way to strengthen the Glutes and Inner Hips without putting too much stress onto the Lower Back. Secondary muscles used are the Quads, Inner Hip, Groin and Lower Back to a lesser extent.
Banded Hip Thrust
This is an adapted version of the Machine Lying Hamstring Curl, it is significantly harder due to the constant pull and tension of the Band. Primary muscles used are the Hamstrings and Calves, with secondary focus on the back of the ankle and Lower Back to a lesser extent.
Banded Lying Hamstring Curl
This exercise is a great way to fully Isolate your Hamstrings and improve flexibility at the same time. The bands resistance is places on both the front and the back of the body so it feels very different to other forms of RDL's. Secondary muscles used are the back of the Hips, Core and Legs for stability and the Lower back to a lesser extent.
Banded RDL
This total body movement is considered the Granddad of all Strength compound movements and will work your entire body to its core, skeleton, joints, muscles and nervous system. Primary muscles used are the Quadriceps, Glutes and Hamstrings, secondary muscles Hips, Calves, Core, the entire Back, and so on.
Barbell Back Squat
Bench Press – This exercise is considered the best Upper Body Strength movement with significant stress and load put onto the Chest, Triceps and Shoulders, secondary muscles used are the upper back-lats, legs for power through the floor as well as stability and elbows-wrists.
Bench Press
Bicep Exercise Intro
Bird Dog Quadruped Rows – This advanced exercise places a significant amount of stress on your core stability, balance and co-ordination separate to the primary areas of focus being the lats and arms (Biceps-forearms).
Bird Dog Quadruped Row
Box Jumps – This exercise requires confidence, co-ordination balance and power, primary muscles used are the entire lower body, with secondary focus on the arms and shoulders for the swing to assist with the jump.
Box Jumps
Bulgarian Lunges – This exercise focuses on the thigh, hamstrings and front of the hip, with secondary focus on knee health, ankle and core stability – balance.
Bulgarian Lunge
Pad Cable Chest Flyes – This exercise is more of a stretching movement as opposed to contraction only. It’s primary focus is to isolate the Chest and Shoulders, with secondary focus on the forearms, biceps, lower back. Core and legs for stability.
Cable Chest Fly
This exercise is a great variation to the conventional RDL as it takes away significant stress from the Lower Back and allows you to hinge with almost no pian. The bar travels forward as opposed to straight down. Muscles worked include the Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back and the Back of the Hip, with secondary muscles used Legs and Core for stability, Upper Back, Shoulders and Arms.
Cable RDL
Cable Squats Narrow & Wide – These exercises isolate the entire area of the thighs and inner-outer hips with almost no discomfort in the knees or discomfort in the lower back, secondary muscles used are the core and lower back for stability and balance.
Cable Squats
This exercise is a great way to isolate the Chest without putting unnecessary stress onto the Shoulders, Wrist or Lower Back, common areas that can be injure or aggravate when doing free-weight version. Secondary muscles used ae the Triceps, Shoulders, Core and Legs for stability.
Chest Press
This exercise utilises a Band to assist with the movement if you lack the Strength to do it without assistance, however the principles remain the same. This exercise works your entire Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Forearms and Core and is a real test of your fitness!
Chin Ups
Chinups and Pullups Intro
Deadlifts – This exercise is very similar to the Back Squat in the sense it is a Total Body and Multi-joint movement. It is a fantastic way to build serious strength and durability within your body with primary focus being on the Lower and Upper Back, with secondary focus on the hips, calves, shoulders and arms.
RDL’s – This exercise targets the Hamstrings and the back of the knee – hips, with secondary focus on the arms, upper back and legs-core for stability.
Dumbell RDL
DB Back Rows – This conventional movement works the lats, bicep-forearms and grip strength-endurance. There is some core engagement but nowhere nest as taxing as the Bird Dog Rows.
Dumbell Row
Shoulder Press - This exercise targets the front and side, triceps and traps (Upper Back), with significant core engagement when isolating one side at a time (unilaterally).
Dumbell Shoulder Press (inc variations)
Chest Press – This exercise targets the overall chest, triceps and shoulders with significant core engagement when isolating one side at a time (unilaterally).
Flat Dumbbell Chest Press
T-Bar Rows – This exercise hits the middle of the Back as well as the lats and lower back, secondary muscles used are the legs and core for stability, shoulders, biceps and forearms.
Free Weight T-Bar Row
Front Raises – This exercise fully isolates the Front Delts with secondary focus on the Traps, Neck, Forearms and Biceps.
Front Raise
Hack Squat – This exercise is similar to the Pendulum Squat, however it has a pad for added support for the lower back so is an ideal option for those with weaker or rehabbing individuals. The same muscles are utilised here as with the Pendulum Squats.
Hack Squat
These exercises are all designed to work the Lower Abs, with secondary focus on the Thighs and Hip |Flexors. Depending on the type you do it will also work the Arms, Shoulders and Grip!
Hanging Leg and Knee Raises
Incline Rows – This exercise adds more ROM to increase the stretch and lat activation of the back due to the angle and height of the bench set up. Secondary muscles used are the rear delts, legs for stability and arms biceps-forearms.
Incline Row
This exercise with both hand positions will work the entire Back area with particular focus on the Upper Back. The underhand position will place more focus on the Biceps, however both version will work the Arms very hard with secondary focus on the Legs and Core for stability.
Inverted Row
Kneeling Rope Crunches – This exercise is both a contracting and stretching exercise with focus on the upper abs, secondary muscles used are the lower abs and lower back.
Kneeling Rope Crunch
Landmine Press Standing and Kneeling – This exercise is a speed and power movement isolating the Shoulders, Triceps and Core for stability, secondary muscles used are the legs, lower back, wrists, elbows and upper back.
Landmine Press
Lateral Raise – This exercise fully isolates the front and side delts with almost no help from other muscle group besides the Traps. Secondary muscles used are the forearms and biceps.
Lateral Raise
In this video I show you 3 different foot positions for hitting your entire Lower Body, each variation hits one area more then then other, muscles covered are the Quads, Hamstrings, Calves, Hips with secondary focus on the muscles of the foot, ankle/heel and the arms.
Leg Press
This exercise is a very strict movemnt woth the additon of the chest pad. It is a great way to overload your entire Back as well as the Biceps, and Forearms with secondary muscles used Legs and Core for stability. It is significantly harder then the Free-weights version so go lighter!
Machine T-Bar Row
Military Press – This exercise works the Shoulders and Upper body extremely well, with secondary muscles used legs for stability, core- lower back, wrists and the upper back-neck.
Military Press
These exercises here are my go to before starting any resistance based workout. They will loosen and prep both your and body for the workout ahead targeting the entire body.
This exercise is an advanced Hamstring exercise that also places stress onto the Calves, Ankle and Lower Back - Core. It is also a great way to improve the flexibility and the back of the hip knee health, however execute with caution as it's a very tough one!
Nordic Curl
Standing Cable Rotations – This exercise targets the Obliques, the muscles that right down the side of your torso, secondary muscles used are the arms, lower back and the legs for stability.
Oblique Twist
This is a great Unilateral movement that works one Bicep at a time with constant tension from the Cable, primary focus is placed onto the Bicep, with secondary muscles used forearms, grip, shoulders, legs and core for stability, particularly the Obliques.
One Arm Standing Cable Bicep Curl
This exercise is not a common one and can't be found in most gyms, however if you do have access to it then the benefits are significant. This movement isolates one Hamstring at a time and is therefore a great Unliteral movement to improve and correct any imbalances. Secondary muscles used are the Calves, back of the Ankle, Core and Arms to a lesser extent.
One Legged Hamstring Curl
This exercise is a great compound move for working the entire Lower Body, with primary focus on the Quads, Glutes and Hamstrings with secondary focus on the Core, Calves, and Shoulders to a lesser extent.
Pendulum Squat
This exercise is a great way to isolate the Upper Back, Arms and Middle of the Back, with secondary focus on the Legs and Core for Stability.
Plate Loaded Pulldowns
This exercise utilises the Band to assist with the movement and is a great way to work the Upper Back, Arms and Core. This version will work more of the back due to the hand position being wider and with an overhand grip.
RDL’s Conventional – These 2 variations hit the Hamstrings and the Back of the Hips extremely well with a much heavier load then other types of RDL’s, secondary muscles used are the arms, shoulders, legs and lower back to a lesser extent.
RDL’s Variation – These 2 variations hit the Hamstrings and the Back of the Hips extremely well with a much heavier load then other types of RDL’s, secondary muscles used are the arms, shoulders, legs and lower back to a lesser extent.
RDL Variation
Rack Pulls – This exercise is a great alternative to the conventional Deadlift and will significantly reduce the risk of injury to your lower back due to the higher bar set up. Primary muscles used are the hips, legs and arms, secondary muscles used are the lower back- upper back and core.
Rack Pulls
This exercise is a great way to isolate the Quads and also work on flexibility at the same time, it is a tricky one and also puts stress onto the knees so don't rush it! Secondary focus is also on the Core for stability.
Reverse Nordic Curl with Bodyweight
This exercise is similar to the Rope Extension, however it will target more of the Upper portion of the Tricep as well as engage more forearm and Shoulders, so don't go too heavy.
Rope Pushdown
Rear Flyes – These variations both fully isolate the rear of the delts, with secondary focus on the upper back, forearms and biceps. The back of the shoulders should always be isolated.
Seated - Standing Bent Over Rear Fly
Seated Good Mornings – This exercise is a great movement to build up both flexibility and strength within the lower back and the outer-inner hips. A very good tried and tested Rehab movement.
Seated Goodmorning
This exercise targets primarily the front and side of the Shoulders with secondary focus on the Upper Back, Upper Chest, Triceps and Legs for Stability. It is particularly helpful if you are rehabbing an injured or tight lower back.
Seated Shoulder Press
Shoulder Exercises Intro
Shrugs – This exercise fully isolates the Upper Back-Neck (Traps), with secondary focus on the arms and shoulders.
This exercise requires the kit used in this video tutorial as it has been designed to take stress of the knees thanks to the position of the pad at the back of the Calves and to significantly increase Quad activation. Secondary muscles used are the Core, Shoulders, Calves and Ankle joint.
Sissy Squat
This is an additional exercise that can be added into any Track Circuit, typically saved as a finisher for the workout. It recruits the Arms, Shoulders, Back, Legs and Core, as well as working on balance, co-ordination and power.
Sledge Hammer And Tyre
This exercise is very simple but super effective at adding some serious intensity to overload your Biceps, without straining the muscle or elbow joint common in Heavy Free-weight alternatives.
Standing Bicep Curls (21's)
This exercise is an excellent way to work all three parts of the Shoulder with no unnecessary stress onto the joints and is particularly handy when equipment nit as accessible, you can do both slow and fast reps and still get incredible results! Secondary muscles used are the Upper Back, Legs and Core for Stability and Arms including the Triceps.
Standing Band Shoulder press
This exercise is an adapted version of the Back Row utilising the Chest Press Machine, it is only possible if you have a similar set up in your gym. It places significant stress on your Core and Legs for stability as well as it's target areas being the entire Back, Arms and Shoulders.
Standing Machine Rows
This variation of the Triceps Extension utilises the rope on the Cable Machine and is an excellent way to isolate the Triceps without overloading the wrist or elbow joints.
Standing Rope Extension
Standing Rope Face Pulls – This exercises isolated the Rear Delts (back of the Shoulders) with secondary focus on the Traps, Forearms- Biceps, and Lower Back, Core and Legs for stability.
Standing Rope Face Pull
Here I cover my go to Upper and Lower Body stretches which you can perform either at the beginning or more advisable after your workout.
This is the Final part of my **7 Fundamentals of Resistance** and covers 2 circuits down the Track for Upper and Lower, total Body Conditioning covering:- Power Sled Push Power Sled Rows (Standing and Seated) Battle Ropes Standing Low and High and Kneeling Low Med Ball Wall Throws (Both arms), Single Arm Med Ball Wall Throws and Med Ball Slams to Ceiling Toss Tyre Flips Tyre Drags Farmers Carry Slow and Fast
The Track
This exercise is a great way to increase Upper Body strength playing particular focus to the Tricep and Lower Chest with secondary focus on the Wrists, Shoulders, Upper Back and Core. I have provided all 3 options, Band Assisted, Unassisted and Weighted.
Tricep Chest-Dip Variations
Tricep Exercises Intro
All of the variations shown take full focus on the Triceps (Back of the arm) with secondary focus on the wrists, elbows and shoulders to a lesser extent. This particular exercise uses the Cables on a Straight Bar, this takes pressure of the Wrists and Elbows and allows you to fully isolate the Triceps.
Tricep Overhand - Underhand Pushdowns or Pulldowns
All of the variations shown take full focus on the Triceps (Back of the arm) with secondary focus on the wrists, elbows and shoulders to a lesser extent. This particular exercise uses the Cables on a handle for single arm use, this takes pressure of the Wrists and Elbows and allows you to fully isolate the Triceps.
Tricep Pushdown - Pulldown Unilateral Variation
All of the variations shown take full focus on the Triceps (Back of the arm) with secondary focus on the wrists, elbows and shoulders to a lesser extent. This particular exercise uses the Cables on a handle for single arm use, this takes pressure of the Wrists and Elbows and allows you to fully isolate the Triceps.
Tricep Pushdown - Pulldown Unilateral Variation Intro
This exercise is an alternative to the conventional version which is most commonly used on a Cable Machine. Just like the Cables, Bands have constant resistance and have almost 0 stress on the joints so is a great way to isolate the Triceps without overloading the Wrists or Elbows. Secondary muscles used are the Shoulders, Core and Legs for stability.
Tricep Pushdowns
Standing DB Tricep Extensions with a Twist – All of the variations shown take full focus on the Triceps (Back of the arm) with secondary focus on the wrists, elbows and shoulders to a lesser extent. This particular exercise uses Dumbbells and is a more technical version of the Skull Crusher, go light until you master the technique as it's a lot harder then it looks.
Hanging Lateral Raises – This exercise is extremely challenging sand fully isolates the front and side Delt with almost 0 engagement from any other muscle group., secondary focus is placed onto the Traps, Elbow, Core and Legs for stability.
Unilateral Arm Raise
Standing Upright Rows – This exercise isolates the Upper Back (Trap) muscles with secondary focus on the forearms, wrists and core for stability.
Upright Row
This exercise is an adapted version of the Standing Barbell Shoulder Press, whereby utilising a Pendulum Squat Machine. It is a movement often seen in Strongman sports but it is also a good way to overload the Shoulders with the aid of your Triceps due to the narrower hand position. Secondary muscles used are the Upper Back, Legs and Core for Stabilty and Forearms and Biceps.
Viking Press